Johnny Girl

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

More Ultrasound Photos

In this top photo you can see her spine and ribs. Doug and I were amazed at all that we could see of her. We could actually see her little heart beating; however, you can't see the heart in the photos. Bummer.

Here she is sucking her thumb. Isn't it crazy how you can see her knuckles so clearly?

Gianna's First Photos.

Here are Gianna's first photos taken on February 16th 2006. I am 20 weeks at this point. Halfway there!

She was kicking and punching like crazy ( I think that she has a lot of me in her), but I didn't feel a thing.

You should have seen Doug's face when the nurse said "You're having a girl"! He is so excited.

Starting the baby blog!

Uncle Dave has started a blog for his very first niece!